Oh, and free iPads. Did I mention that?
ComXology has a packed schedule for fans this year that should really keep everybody hopping!
First off, on the 12th the company will be kicking the party off right with the first of what's to be a daily giveaway at their brand new booth space. Head to booth number 2447 to get in on the chance to enter to win a brand new iPad! The contest will be held exclusively at the new booth and you can enter at any time during the show. All you need do is
And that's not all you'll get because comiXology's publishing partners will be giving special postcards away all show long. What's on the cards? Codes for free digital comics!
How do you collect them all? First up on Thursday, Image Comics will be giving away the Fatale #1 promo postcard at their booth (#2729). Then on Friday, IDW Publishing will be giving away the Locke & Key Vol. 1 promo postcard at their booth (#2643). Saturday, the promo postcard giveaway continues as Oni Press hands out the Sixth Gun Vol. 1 promo postcard at their booth (#1833). Last but not least, on Sunday, Archaia will be giving away the Dark Crystal: Creation Myths Vol. 1 promo postcard at their booth (#2635). Each postcard is limited to just 1,000 copies and is available only at these publishers’ booths and only on the days listed above.

And then, as if that all isn't enough, there are the panels (the comiXology team has been busy!):
Thursday July 12th
2:00pm - 3:00pm — Creating Comics the ComiXology Way— From early experiments like Box 13, Valentine, and Power Play to more recent efforts like Marvel's Infinite Comics, comiXology's Guided View has ushered in a new era in comic book creation. Join comiXology co-founders David Steinberger and John D. Roberts and Power Play artist Riley Brown as they show you the ins and outs of creating comics using the Guided View tools and discuss comiXology's plans for these tools. – Room 11AB
7:00pm - 8:00pm — Indie Comics Marketing and PR 101 — Some of the best and brightest reveal all the secrets of doing marketing and PR for your comics. ComiXology’s marketing and PR maven Chip Mosher is joined by Dark Horse’s Director of PR Jeremy Atkins, Image Comics’ PR and Marketing Director Jennifer de Guzman, IDW Publishing’s VP of Marketing Dirk Wood, and comics writer David Gallaher. – Room 8
Friday July 13th
1:30pm - 2:30pm — Comic Book Entrepreneurs — Get a rare look behind the scenes of building successful businesses around the love of comic books. Author and futurist Rob Salkowitz, CEO and co-founder David Steinberger of comiXology, Mike Richardson of Dark Horse Comics, Peter Levin of Nerdist Industries, and comic retailer Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics, founder of Free Comic Book Day and WonderCon. – Room 8
6:00pm - 7:00pm — Are Digital Comics Expanding the Market? — Author and futurist Rob Salkowitz leads a provocative, no-holds-barred discussion with the leaders of the digital comics revolution: comiXology co-founders David Steinberger and John D. Roberts, Dark Horse Publisher Mike Richardson, and IDW Publisher Ted Adams. – Room 9
Saturday July 14th
11:00am - 12:00am — ComiXology Open Discussion: Everything Digital — With over 75 million comics and graphic novels downloaded since its debut, comiXology has revolutionized how people read and buy comic books. Recently hailed by the New York Times as the iTunes of comics, here is your opportunity to discover what is next! Join comiXology cofounders David Steinberger and John D. Roberts for an open discussion on everything digital. All topics are game! Don’t miss out! – Room 23ABC
Sunday July 15th
11:00am - 12:00pm — Digital Comics Price Fight — Join Mark Waid, Scott Kurtz, IDW Publishing’s ePublishing Director Jeff Webber and Top Shelf Productions Director of Digital Chris Ross, for a lively discussion on the price of digital comics. Moderating this fight is comiXology’s Chip Mosher – Room 7AB